ON-PAM | 特定非営利活動法人舞台芸術制作者オープンネットワーク

文化庁「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」への補助金不交付に対する抗議文への賛同署名終了のお知らせ。Closing the call-out for support of the letter of protest to the Agency for Cultural Affairs on its decision over the subsidy for Aichi Triennale 2019.




Since 27th September 2019, we have been calling out for support towards “Letter of protest on the decision (announced on 26th September 2019 by the Agency of Cultural Affairs of the Japanese Government) over the subsidy of Aichi Triennale 2019”.  We have so far received the signatures of support from 898 individuals and 7 groups/organisations, and we would like to thank every one of them.

On 8th November, as we took part in “ReFreedom_Aichi – Action for reinstating the Agency of Cultural Affairs funding”, we have submitted the list of  supporters’ names.  Then, on 30th November, the ON-PAM Board has decided to close the call-out for support.  I would also like to report that, at this Board Meeting, it was agreed that ON-PAM will continue to deal with the issues related to this case.

On 5th December 2019