A report of the symposium “Transnational collaboration in performing arts – Sharing the unseen process and archiving what will disappear” 2021.3.2 ENGLISHREPORT AsiaInternational ExchangeSymposium
Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM)Symposium 2.12 Fri/2.13 Sat 2021 2021.2.9 ENGLISHPROJECT SymposiumTPAM/YPAM
Symposium & Open Forum “Public system for supporting arts and freedom of expression” 2020.1.31 ENGLISHPROJECT Cultural policyFreedom of expressionInternational Exchange
Symposium & Open Forum “Public system for supporting arts and freedom of expression” 2020.1.31 ENGLISHPROJECT Cultural policyFreedom of expressionInternational Exchange
文化庁「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」への補助金不交付に対する抗議文への賛同署名終了のお知らせ。Closing the call-out for support of the letter of protest to the Agency for Cultural Affairs on its decision over the subsidy for Aichi Triennale 2019. 2019.12.5 ENGLISHPROJECT 2019Cultural policy文化政策
文化庁「あいちトリエンナーレ2019」への補助金不交付に対する抗議文/The letter of protest to the Agency for Cultural Affairs on its decision over the subsidy for Aichi Triennale2019. 2019.9.27 ADVOCACYENGLISH 2019Cultural policy文化政策
Symposium Transnational Collaboration in Performing Arts on Thu. 4th July 2019 2019.6.4 ENGLISHPROJECT AsiaInternational Exchange