ON-PAM Committee 2024 @YPAM
This committee, co-organised with YPAM – Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting, a platform where performing arts professionals from various places of the world exchange through performance and meeting programs, will welcome practitioners active in theatres, festivals, network organisations, etc. as guests, and will implement a programme to share ideas and thoughts on how to face the issues currently facing contemporary performing arts and what kind of future to envision.
We look forward to your participation.
Program① Round Table:Future-oriented thinking on the theatre and festival scene of the future
12.6 Fri 13:00-13:40
Forum Minamiota (Gender Equality Center Yokohama South)
Program② Symposium:The value and challenges of international collaboration across a heated globe − thinking with IETM and Global Connect
12.14 Sat 13:30-15:30
Yokohama City Port Opening Memorial Hall
Program① Round Table:Future-oriented thinking on the theatre and festival scene of the future
Date: 12.6 Fri 13:00-13:40
Venue: Forum Minamiota (Gender Equality Center Yokohama South)
Conducted within the YPAM Exchange Round Table
*YPAM registration required
A round-table discussion with producers in their 20s and 30s who are active in theatres and festivals in various locations in Japan. In an age of uncertainty due to global risks such as war, the rise of AI (artificial intelligence) and climate change, how will the next generation of producers face up to these challenges and continue their creative activities while envisioning the future? We will discuss the present and future of theatres and festivals from the perspective of performing arts producers who connect artists and arts organisations with audiences.
Natsumi Kato (Producer / Coordinator / Producer, Toyooka Theater Festival)
Kensuke Seto Cameron(Dramaturg / Ogimachi Museum Cube)
Hirohiko Hanzawa (Tokyo Festival Executive Committee Office)
Yukako Ogura (Program Director of ROHM Theatre Kyoto)
(c)Nishi Junnosuke
Natsumi Kato (Producer / Coordinator / Producer, Toyooka Theater Festival)
Born in Aichi Prefecture. After graduating from Kyoto University of Art and Design (the current Kyoto University of the Arts), she joined precog Co., Ltd. and was mainly in charge of inviting overseas artists and managing the secretariat of art festivals. From 2020, she participated in the Toyooka Theater Festival (Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture) as a member of the secretariat, and is currently a festival producer. She is interested in creating spaces that connect people and the stage, and is involved in the production of indoor and outdoor performances.
Kensuke Seto Cameron(Dramaturg / Ogimachi Museum Cube)
Born and raised in Osaka in 1998. Following high school theatre, he joined the Hachinosuza, a theater club based in Kobe University. While in University he has worked as a stage director, assistant director and dramaturg for multiple independent productions and theatre companies. He also worked as a producer, organizing and running several workshops and projects. He joined Theatre Workshop, a Theatre consulting company in 2022, and after working in the preparation office, he became a staff member at the Ogimachi Museum Cube. Recent projects are [“Henseifu -Kansai Young Playwrights’ Collection-Four years working with Covid-19/2020-2024] Planning and production, [Performing Arts Overseas Coordinator Training Project] Trainee.
Hirohiko Hanzawa (Tokyo Festival Executive Committee Office)
Art manager / performing arts producer
Born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1990. Joined the production department of the Honda Theater in 2014. After attending the Komaba Agora Theater School ‘Murinkan’, he worked in the production department of the Komaba Agora Theatre from 2019 until its closure in May 2024. In charge of theater operations, including the theater support membership system and line-up selection. Also involved in the production of performances by artists of the same generation, such as the Seinendan directing department. From 2020, in charge of production and coordination at the Tokyo Festival.
(c)Kenta Yamaji
Yukako Ogura (Program Director of ROHM Theatre Kyoto)
Program director at ROHM Theatre Kyoto. Studied literature at Kobe College. She planned and produced dance performances and workshops as the director of AI HALL from 2008 to 2013. A management staff member of KYOTO EXPERIMENT from 2010 to 2015. A TPAM Direction director from 2011 to 2013. A board member of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM). Has been in the present post since April 2021.
Program② Symposium:The value and challenges of international collaboration across a heated globe
− thinking with IETM and Global Connect
Date: 12/14(土) 13:30〜15:30
Venue: Yokohama City Port Opening Memorial Hall
Language: English with Japanese consecutive translation
This symposium will consider the value and challenges of diversity, climate, internationality and mobility in international collaboration.
IETM – International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts launched Global Connect four years ago, with the aim to make the network more inclusive, diverse, eco-responsible and accessible by welcoming new voices and perspectives not heard enough in the international arts discourse. We invite an Asian based Global Connector and IETM´s Europe based director to discuss and digest these important topics.
Ása Richardsdóttir (Secretary General, IETM)
Ratri Anindyajati (Director, Indonesian Dance Festival)
Mariko Tsukaguchi (President / Secretary General, ON-PAM)
Ása Richardsdóttir
Ása Richardsdóttir is the secretary general of IETM– the largest international network in the performing arts. She has led a versatile career in the performing arts, culture, academia, banking, politics and media. She was a television reporter at RÚV Iceland, founder of theatre, Kaffileikhusid, executive director of Iceland Dance Company, president of Performing Arts Iceland, project leader of ICE HOT Reykjavík Nordic Dance Platform and Wilderness dance, founder of keðja dance network and producer of various artistic projects and international collaborations for the last 25 years. She is co-author of the guide for artists and producers It Starts With a Conversation.
Ratri Anindyajati
Ratri Anindyajati is an Experienced Producer and Cultural Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the performing arts, global arts festivals, and non-profit cultural organizations. Her main interest is to lead, produce, and engage in local and international collaboration as well as multilateral exchange and cooperation for arts and culture projects of sustaining significance.
Mariko Tsukaguchi
President and Secretary General of Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM). She worked at Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication (PARC) and the secretariat of Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM) as a program officer from 2006 to 2017. As a grantee of the program of overseas study for upcoming artists 2009 by Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan, she did an internship at Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh and Riverside Studio in London. A board member of ST Spot.
Organized by Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM)
Co-Organized by Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting
Cooperated by Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 [Yokohama Arts Foundation]
Contact: Open Network for Performing Arts Management (ON-PAM)