Symposium : The Possibility of Dancehouse Network in Asia — Learning from the Activity of European Dancehouse Network (EDN)
The report of an ON-PAM symposium on 17th February 2017 was uploaded.
Symposium: The Possibility of Dancehouse Network in Asia — Learning from the Activity of European Dancehouse Network (EDN)
• Speakers:
Walter Heun (President, Eurepean Dance Network / Artistic Director, Tanzquartier Wien)
Bettina Masuch (Secretary, Eurepean Dance Network / Artistic and Managing Director, tanzhaus nrw)
Anna CY Chan (Head of Dance, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority)
• Moderator:
Shinji Ono (Chief Producer [Dance], Yokohama Arts Foundation / Director, Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Number 1)
This session introduced the activity of European Dancehouse Network (EDN), a network of venues that specialize in dance, and invited Anna CY Chan with West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong, and Shinji Ono with Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Number 1, who explore the possibility of Asian dance platform and network.