Fri 15th Feb. 10:00-15:00 Symposium 2019.2.1 ENGLISHPROJECT 2019International ExchangeSymposiumTPAM/YPAM
Symposium : The Possibility of Dancehouse Network in Asia — Learning from the Activity of European Dancehouse Network (EDN) 2018.3.16 ENGLISHREPORT 2017AsiaInternational ExchangeSymposium
Open call for producers: Asia Producers’ Platform Camp in Japan 2016.4.4 ENGLISH 2016Asia Producers Platform
Report of Symposium “Can Olympics prime the local economy and community development? – Olympic x Arts and Culture” 2016.3.1 ENGLISHREPORT 2015Symposium
“What do we actually want to create in the public theatres from now on?” @Shizuoka SPAC 2015.8.29 ENGLISHREPORT 2015
【Changed information at Sep.8】ON-PAM Meeting in Gwangju, Korea will be on Spetember 9-11, 2015 2015.8.12 ENGLISH 2015